martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

Module Login PHP

Module Login PHP is a module base for users: login, register and recover password.

 Download form github ... Module Login PHP

Or clone ...

 git clone

Module properties:

· Ajax request for validate input value
· Filter data
· Language config. Default english. Availables: english and spanish
· Confirmation email in the Register and Recover password
· Encryptation of password
· File for users table for install in mysql
· Support for the gravatar images
· sessions for private sites


· Download on github and extract in your folder project. · Config the file login/config.php

//include email from notifications 
define("email_admin", "");

//include title from web 
define("title_web", "Your title web");
//include the language options. Availables: en.php | es.php
include "login/language/en.php";

· Modify the language option in the file ... login/ajax/Ajax.php
//include the language options. Availables: en.php | es.php
include "../language/en.php";

· Config the file login/connection.php

//include connection to data base 
$connection = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "yourpass", "yourdatabase");
· Install the users table in your mysql data base, the file is login/users.sql.

· Finally check the application, go to login.php or register.php

· If you need include the private session in the some file, simply include the next code in the file ...

include "login/login/Session.php";

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