Con la clase Time Profiler se puede medir el tiempo que tarda en ejecutarse una determinada función.
La clase regresa el resultado de la función y el tiempo que se necesitó para ejecutar la función en cuestión de segundos y milisegundos.
Autor: Tony L. Requena
Descargar: Time Profiler
Código de la clase class.timeprofiler.php
<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** File: class.timeprofiler.php ** Class: Time Profiler ** Description: ** Version: 1.0.1 ** Created: 11-Jul-2014 ** Author: Tony L. Requena ** Homepage: **------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** COPYRIGHT (c) 2014 Tony L. Requena ** ** The source code included in this package is free software; you can ** redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This license can be ** read at: ** ** ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS ** FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. **------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** ** Usage: ** function imprime(){ sha1(md5("Hello")); } function blah($n=1){ for($i = 0; $i<= $n; $i++){ $a = $i; } } function getContent($url){ return file_get_contents($url); } $timer = new TimeProfiler("blah", 500, array(100)); echo "".$timer->getMicro()." µs (".$timer->getMili()." ms)"; echo "<br />"; $timer = new TimeProfiler("imprime"); echo $timer->getMicro()." µs (".$timer->getMili()." ms)"; $timer = new TimeProfiler("getContent",1,array('')); echo $timer->getMicro()." µs (".$timer->getMili()." ms)<br />"; var_dump($timer->funcOutput()); /*** NEW NEW NEW **/ ** **------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ class TimeProfiler{ private $microseconds = 0; public $start = 0; public $function; public $end = 0; public $miliseconds; function __construct($func, $iterations=1, $arguments = NULL){ $this->function = $func; $this->microseconds = 0; $this->start = microtime(true); for($n=0;$n<$iterations;$n++){ if($arguments==NULL){ $this->val = call_user_func_array($func,array()); }else{ $this->val = call_user_func_array($func, $arguments); } } $this->end = microtime(true); $this->microseconds = $this->end - $this->start; $this->miliseconds = round($this->microseconds * 1000); return $this->val; } function funcOutput(){ return $this->val; } function getMicro(){ return $this->function.": ".sprintf('%f', $this->microseconds); } function getMili(){ return $this->miliseconds; } } ?>
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