Con la clase Upload Files se puede validar y procesar los archivos que son enviados a través de los formularios.
Los archivos válidos son guardados en un directorio de destino determinado. El archivo subido puede ser eliminado si se requiere esta opción.
Autor: vasinsky
<?php /** * @author Vasinsky Igor * @email * @copyright 2013 * * Class files upload * Features: * -check the validity of the file types * -check the file size * -loading files * -modify the file name */ /** Example of use * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(isset($_POST['send'])){ //Permitted file types $validTypes = array('image/jpg','image/jpeg','image/gif','image/bmp'); Upload::validType($validTypes); //name of input type="file" Upload::$index = 'images'; //Maximum upload size Upload::$size = 15000; //Validation of file types $files = Upload::validate(); //Uploading files to a specified directory $result = Upload::uploadFiles($files, 'tmp',1); echo '<pre>' . print_r($result, 1) . '</pre>'; } $ result - two-dimensional array with elementamimi 'valid' (downloaded) and error ('not downloaded') * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class Upload{ /** * name of input type="file" */ static $index = 'images'; /** * the maximum file size */ static $size = 600; /** * Internal variable storage dopustipyh mime types */ static $validType = array(); public function __construct(){ } /** * Setting mime types of files * * @param array * array('mime/type1', 'mime/type1') * empty array - no restrictions */ static public function validType($type){ self::$validType = $type; } /** * Retrieving Data downloadable files * @return array */ static public function getFiles(){ if(empty($_FILES)){ return false; } else{ foreach($_FILES[self::$index]['name'] as $key=>$name){ $pathinfo = pathinfo($name); if($pathinfo['basename'] !=''){ $filename = $pathinfo['filename']; $ext = $pathinfo['extension']; $hashname = sha1($_FILES[self::$index]['tmp_name'][$key].$pathinfo['basename'].microtime()); $errors = array( 0=>'', 1=>'When the file size exceeded the maximum size that is specified upload_max_filesize directive configuration file', 2=>'Upload file size exceeded the value MAX_FILE_SIZE, specified in the form of HTML', 3=>'Uploaded file was only partially', 4=>'No file was uploaded', 6=>'Missing a temporary folder', 7=>'Failed to write file to disk', 8=>'PHP-stop downloading the file extension. PHP does not provide a way determine what extension stop file upload' ); $filesdata[] = array( 'name'=>$filename, 'ext'=>isset($ext) ? $ext : '-', 'type'=>$_FILES[self::$index]['type'][$key], 'hashname'=>$hashname, 'tmpname'=>isset($_FILES[self::$index]['tmp_name'][$key]) ? $_FILES[self::$index]['tmp_name'][$key] : '-', 'error'=>$errors[$_FILES[self::$index]['error'][$key]], 'size'=>ceil($_FILES[self::$index]['size'][$key]/1024) ); } } return isset($filesdata) ? $filesdata : false; } } /** * Checking validity of uploaded files * @return array/bool */ public static function validate(){ if(self::getFiles() === false){ return false; } else{ if(empty(self::$validType)){ return self::getFiles(); } else{ foreach(self::getFiles() as $k=>$v){ if(!empty($v['error'])){ if($returnOnlyValidFiles = 1) $files[] = $v; } elseif(!in_array($v['type'], self::$validType)){ $v['error'] = 'It is not permissible to download a file type: '.$v['type']; $files[] = $v; } elseif($v['size']>self::$size){ $v['error'] = 'Unacceptable load a file type '.self::$size .' kb'; $files[] = $v; } else{ $files[] = $v; } } return empty($files) ? false : $files; } } } /** * The file upload * @ Param array - then returned Upload :: validate () * @ Param string directory download * @ Param bool * False - use the original file names * True - use the hash of the file name getFiles () element hashname * Use only after stage Upload :: validate ()) * * @return array/bool */ public static function uploadFiles($validate_files, $dir, $rename=false, $prefix=false){ if(!is_array($validate_files)){ return false; } if($prefix !== false){ $validate_files = self::setPrefix($validate_files, $prefix); } $files['valid'] = array(); $files['error'] = array(); foreach($validate_files as $k=>$file){ $name = ($rename === false) ? $file['name'] : $file['hashname']; if($file['error'] == ''){ $file['uploaddir'] = $dir; if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmpname'], $dir.'/'.$name.'.'.$file['ext'])){ $file['fullpath'] = $dir.'/'.$name.'.'.$file['ext']; $files['valid'][] = $file; } else{ $file['error'] = 'Не получилось скопировать файл'; $files['error'][] = $file; } } else{ $files['error'][] = $file; } } return isset($files) ? $files : false; } /** * Method of modifying the file name - add a prefix * @param array * @param string * return array */ public function setPrefix($files, $prefix){ foreach($files as $k=>$f){ $mod_files[] = array( 'name'=>$prefix.'_'.$f['name'], 'ext'=>$f['ext'], 'type'=>$f['type'], 'hashname'=>$f['hashname'], 'tmpname'=>$f['tmpname'], 'error'=>$f['error'], 'size'=>$f['size'], ); } return $mod_files; } /** * Deleting a file from a directory * @param string * @return bool */ static public function deleteFile($pathtofile){ return (!unlink($pathtofile)) ? false : true; } static public function move_file($pathtofile, $dir, $del = true){ $pathinfo = pathinfo($pathtofile); $result = copy($pathtofile, $dir.'/'.$pathinfo['basename']); if($del === true) Upload::deleteFile($pathtofile); return $result; } } ?>
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